Fort Worth Counseling and Intervention

Has Life After Your Betrayal Trauma Left You Feeling Like You’re Going Crazy?

woman experiencing betrayal trauma

Why does betrayal trauma leaves many people feeling stuck and empty? Has Life After Your Betrayal Trauma Left You Feeling Like You’re Going Crazy? Have you said to yourself lately, “I feel like I’m going crazy.”?

2020 has brought numerous circumstances that are leaving many of us feeling empty, stuck, or maybe like we’re going crazy. Betrayal trauma can also invoke these same feelings. Likewise, betrayal within relationships damages feelings of safety, security, and trust. As a result, some may suffer for a lifetime without proper treatment.

The symptoms of betrayal trauma are very similar to those of PTSD. According to the DSM, the difference is that trauma includes sexual violence, serious injury, death, or threats of death. As a result, betrayal trauma is not in the DSM, while PTSD is. However, with symptoms of both being so much alike, we can approach treatment for both the same way.

If you need help clarifying what you may be feeling, this article is for you. Betrayal trauma leaves many people feeling stuck and empty. We have some ideas on how you can begin taking steps to feel like yourself again.

What is Betrayal Trauma?
Betrayal is the result of punch-in-the-gut, stab-in-the-heart experiences that tend to shake us to our core. Often, betrayal trauma occurs after we open our hearts up to someone else. While the bond and positive effects of relationships make them worth having, trusting another with your heart can be scary. Opening ourselves up also opens the door to vulnerability and hurt.

When lies, addiction, or affairs enter the relationship, the feelings of betrayal can feel traumatic. Hence, the term betrayal trauma came about. Likewise, symptoms of betrayal can be as crippling as those of PTSD. As a result, you may find yourself wondering if you’ll ever feel like yourself again.

What Can I Do to Begin Healing My Betrayal Trauma?
Can Betrayal Trauma really make you feel like you’re going crazy?
When you think to yourself, “I’m going crazy.” What feelings does the term crazy invoke? Many say they no longer feel like themselves. Likewise, they report feeling anxious, overwhelmed, or stressed. Others include feeling like they can’t trust anyone and no longer feel safe. Similarly, your thoughts may be racing all the time, and you may be having sleepless nights. If this sounds like the crazy feelings you’re describing, you’re not alone. Plus, there are ways to get you back on track to feeling like yourself again.

First, to answer your question, no, you’re not going crazy. You are experiencing the symptoms of betrayal trauma. The good news is, living like this doesn’t have to be your new normal. Reaching out for help to process your emotions can help you overcome the effects of betrayal trauma.

What Can I Do to Begin Healing My Betrayal Trauma?
Here are a few ideas to help you begin healing from your betrayal trauma:

1. Take care of yourself. When feelings of depression, anxiety, and stress take over, it’s easy to want to numb out. Likewise, when you’re not sleeping, finding the energy for personal hygiene may seem impossible. However, by taking care of yourself, you move toward getting back on track. So, eat nutritious foods, drink a lot of water, shower and get dressed every day. Doing so can help you feel more like yourself again.

2. Keep a journal. Writing down your thoughts and feelings can be therapeutic. Likewise, it can help you acknowledge the difficult times you’re facing. Eventually, the goal is to be able to look back through your journal and recognize how far you’ve come.

3. Try to avoid repetitive thoughts of blame. Blaming your partner or yourself for the situation can be toxic. Blame is often a reason why people get stuck in their feelings of betrayal. Remember, anger and blame can’t help you move forward but can poison you from within.

4. Reach out for support. Talking to friends can be healing. Friends can also be a healthy distraction. However, sometimes even the best of well-intentioned friends can’t provide the support you need to heal. If you still feel the effects of betrayal trauma, you can seek professional support. A therapist can help you process everything you’re going through.

Betrayal trauma is real. The symptoms you’re experiencing are valid. At Fort Worth Counseling and Intervention, we can help you break free from the experience that has you wondering if you’ll ever feel normal again. Call us today.

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