Fort Worth Counseling and Intervention

Brad Nowlin

Brad Nowlin
Brad Nowlin

Brad Nowlin





Brad Nowlin

After a career in marketing and business that took me to New York City, Houston and Kansas City, I experienced a divorce and job loss that humbled me and allowed me to focus my energy on helping people. Using my (now extensive) life experience, I have helped thousands of clients find meaningful solutions to their challenges. The loss of my father inspired me to do my clinical internship at Solace House – A Center for Grief and Healing modeled after The Warm Place in Fort Worth. The blessing of my marriage to Grace came with blending family issues, where I was able to learn from my real world laboratory. My loving wife and I give talks on Marriage Enrichment, including “10 Ways To Take Your Relationship Up To A 10! With Grace.”
Additionally, we give presentations on topics ranging from stress management to sex and money to behavioral economics with audiences of all sizes. My passion is to use a variety of approaches from the worlds of business, therapy and faith to help you achieve your goals. It is deeply rewarding to see my clients enjoying life at the intersection of pleasure and meaning.

Other Specialties:

Marital and Pre-Marital Counseling, Depression, Anxiety and Major Lifestyle Changes, Grief, Loss, and Trauma, and Career and Business Leadership Coaching. 

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